Launch your Medicine Delivery App.
A clean, professional design to showcase wide range of variants.

Octalas Advanced Technologies
Best Online Ordering System for all Types of Pharmacies..
Easily navigate to multiple destinations and ensure on-time deliveries. The app assigns shortest & fastest routes.

Branded Pharamcy Ordering System, Built Just For You.
Place an Order
Give your customers the best features of search & filter for online ordering in a hassle free way.
Nothing stops us to connect with you, even our language. Yelo can function in multiple languages despite your geography.
Multiple Payment Gateways
Give your customers the freedom to pay through wallets and cards securely. Major payment gateways accepted.
Dashboard For Seamless Order Management.
Manage at One Place
Easily manage all orders by consolidating orders, delivery partners, change menus or enable/disable outlet locations.
Monitor Performance
Monitor Number of Orders, Cancelled orders, Ratings & Reviews and other number to monitor performance.
Analyse Sales Reports
Pull reports, view top spenders and analyse reports that helps you to identify opportunities to grow your business.

Efficient Delivery Management Software.
Route Optimization for Drivers
Easily navigate to multiple destinations and ensure on-time deliveries. The app assigns shortest & fastest routes.
Order Fulfilment Status
With every delivery done, your driver gets digital signature, closes his delivery task and records delightful fulfilment of the order.
Real-time Tracking & Updates
Allow your agents to track their orders and keep them updated when they receive orders.